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Yoga is a way of life and a journey of self-transformation to discover your true Self. In Ashtanga Spirit Munich Ashtanga yoga is taught by teachers authorized and taught by R. Sharath Jois in KPJAYI in Mysore, India.

Yoga comes from India, where it is considered as old as human civilization. Yoga is conscious breathing, movement, ability to pause, paying attention to giving and receiving. Yoga can be a philosophy for one, meditation for another, posture or breathing exercises for a third. Yoga has long been known for its various goals, the most important of which are health and well-being through balance in life. The key to progress in yoga, regardless of approach, is continuous regular practice and philosophical study along with personal reflection. Without dedicated practice and self-reflection, yoga cannot develop.

Ashtanga yoga is one of the many methods taught in the contemporary world. Ashtanga yoga in its living tradition of parampara was defined by and brought to west Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois. It is now continued and honored by his son Manju Pattabhi Jois, his daughter Saraswati, his grandson R. Sharath Jois as well as every Ashtanga teacher and practitioner today.


Founder of Ashtanga Spirit Munich
Michael Schabort ASM
Michael Schabort

I often think back to the days when I was running Mysore Munich school of ashtanga yoga. It was more than just a mysore class, it became a whole community that were bound by the love for self study. We were all very close and spent much time sharing our laughter in neighborhood coffee shops and spent much time out in the beautiful Bavarian outdoors together.

We all shared the same dream that one day we would open an independent traditional ashtanga shala. It fills my heart with so much joy to see this community now known as Ashtanga Spirit Munich achieving this dream and flying with it further than our dreams back then could even imagine. Namaste Asta Caplan. Munich deserves to have an amazing teacher such as yourself.


Level 2 Authorized Asthanga Yoga Teacher, ASM co-ordinator
Ashtanga Spirit Munich - Asta Caplan
Asta Caplan

I discovered Ashtanga Yoga in 1998 while still in training as a professional ballet dancer and I have been a dedicated practitioner ever since. In the year 2012 I received level 2 authorization to teach the method from Sharath Jois – grandson of Pattabhi Jois, the founder of Ashtanga yoga.

Over the years I’ve have studied Ashtanga yoga under Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Sharath Jois, Manju Jois, Eddie Stern, Tim Miller, Mark and Joanne Darby, Rolf Naujokat, Lino Miele, Philippa Asher and Louise Ellis among other experienced and respected teachers. I completed teacher training with Sharath Jois in Mysore 2014. In 2015 I attended a 3rd Series teacher training with Tim Miller in California. In 2017 I completed a teacher’s course with David Swenson.

Since 2015 I have been in charge of teaching a traditional Mysore-style Ashtanga yoga program according to the tradition of Pattabhi Jois. Since 2019 I have been the main teacher and owner of Ashtanga Spirit Munich shala.

I believe a yoga shala should be an inclusive safe space for self discovery.

In my teaching I aim to give the student the full perspective to the practice of Ashtanga yoga while building stepping stones for each student to build their own individual and sustainable practice. My goal is to work through compassion, accessibility, depth and practicality. I believe this to be a way for students to deepen their practice and achieve greater physical and mental well-being.

In my opinion and experience a teacher’s own personal practice is an important source of inspiration and sets an example for their students of steady dedication and openness to learn. I wish to make an example of the transformative power of Ashtanga Yoga through my own actions, and perhaps some of my passion for the practice is contagious. I wish continue to inspire and motivate students of all levels, backgrounds and ages to experience the profound impact that Ashtanga Yoga can have on one’s life.


Authorized Level II by Shri R. Sharath Jois
Mira Sattelberger
Mira Sattelberger

I am Mira. I have been practicing with my teacher Shri R. Sharath Jois in Mysore regularly for more than 10 years now. Besides Mysore i also had the honor to learn from Rolf Naujokat and Sharmila Desai in Goa. In parallel I started assisting Michael Schabort, the founder of Mysore Munich (today Ashtanga Spirit Munich) in 2014. I got the blessing from Shri R. Sharath Jois to share the method of Ashtanga Yoga in December 2017 (authorized Level 2 ). Since then I have been teaching what I learned myself at various locations, subbing Mysore programs in Koh Phangan and Mallorca. Also I have had the honor of assisting Shri R. Sharath Jois in the main Shala at SYC in Mysore several times. I am very grateful to take care of the program of  Ashtanga Spirit Munich from 1.6.2024 onwards and am looking forward to practice with you.


Assistant and Asthanga Yoga Teacher

Arianna, who fatefully moved from Bologna to Munich just recently, will be there to assist you in your practice and support the classes in the mornings at Ashtanga Spirit Munich. 2020/2021 she assisted Tom Austin in Berlin and teached two years in Bologna at Bottega Ashtanga. She has practiced a lot with Lino Miele in the past and she is looking forward to visit Mysore soon.


Authorized Asthanga Yoga Teacher

Dan discovered Ashtanga Yoga while living in Tokyo, and started a regular practice in 2001 under Ken Harakuma and Basia Lipska. He has visited Mysore, India yearly since 2002 to study under Pattabhi Jois and Sharath, and received their authorization to teach in February 2009. In 2006, Dan was asked by his teacher, Ken Harakuma, to start a daily morning Mysore class at the Kudanshita shala of the International Yoga Center in Tokyo; the class started with only 2 students, but grew steadily to over 40 students. Dan was a featured teacher at the Yoga Fest in Yokohama, Japan in 2007 and 2008, where he led sold-out classes of over 150 students.