About Us


Yoga is a way of life and a journey of self-transformation to discover your true Self. In Ashtanga Spirit Munich Ashtanga yoga is taught by teachers authorized and taught by R. Sharath Jois in KPJAYI in Mysore, India.

Yoga comes from India, where it is considered as old as human civilization. Yoga is conscious breathing, movement, ability to pause, paying attention to giving and receiving. Yoga can be a philosophy for one, meditation for another, posture or breathing exercises for a third. Yoga has long been known for its various goals, the most important of which are health and well-being through balance in life. The key to progress in yoga, regardless of approach, is continuous regular practice and philosophical study along with personal reflection. Without dedicated practice and self-reflection, yoga cannot develop.

Ashtanga yoga is one of the many methods taught in the contemporary world. Ashtanga yoga in its living tradition of parampara was defined by and brought to west Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois. It is now continued and honored by his son Manju Pattabhi Jois, his daughter Saraswati, his grandson R. Sharath Jois as well as every Ashtanga teacher and practitioner today.

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Michael Ashtanga Spirit Munich

We all shared the same dream that one day we would open an independent traditional ashtanga shala. It fills my heart with so much joy to see this community now known as Ashtanga Spirit Munich achieving this dream and flying with it further than our dreams back then could even imagine. Namaste Asta Caplan. Munich deserves to have an amazing teacher such as yourself.


Founder of Ashtanga Spirit Munich

I often think back to the days when I was running Mysore Munich school of ashtanga yoga. It was more than just a mysore class, it became a whole community that were bound by the love for self study. We were all very close and spent much time sharing our laughter in neighborhood coffee shops and spent much time out in the beautiful Bavarian outdoors together.


Founder of Ashtanga Spirit Munich